Drugstories in English
These days one out of six youngsters experiments with illegal drugs. This is a fact.
How to deal with this situation? It is clear that only taking firm action against drug users and simply talking about the dangers of drugs has little effect. But how can we tackle this problem differently?
First of all there is an urgent need for credible information that is not exclusively for or against drugs. Most parents don't dare to talk about this taboo because they know too little about this subject. Many young people are curious about this forbidden fruit, but have to go on wild stories of their experimenting friends. And this information clearly is not always complete.
For this reason Drugstories give interactive multimedia presentations about (il)legal drugs in schools, organisations, cultural centres and companies. By telling credible and recognisable stories, I want to inform, make people think and warn them against irresponsible use of (il)legal drugs. How to resist group pressure and defend ones own opinion are important themes.
Drugstories is member of the governmental organization VAD and works together with local prevention workers. Each year more than 200 sessions are perfomed in school (also in European schools in BXL).
Luc Rombaut (1967) is a teacher and expert by experience. After a career in the media sector, he travelled around the world and worked for different NGO's. Nowadays he combines his job as director of Aora with presentations about drug prevention for young people and their parents. Luc also works as alcohol and drugcoach in companies. For more information: www.alcoholendrugscoach.be.
Contact: luc@drugstories.be or +32 (0) 486.83.06.72